
Portrait Film Difficulty Ranking: 4

Image result for portrait loznitsaAnother long day at work? Take a 30 minute break and watch the calming, Zen like images of Loznitsa’s Portrait. It’s a collection of portraits of people living in the snow draped countryside of old Soviet Russia. The pictures are eerie, soothing remnants of a time gone. There are no signs of technology here so hide your smart phone screen and transport yourself to another place.

Why Watch Portrait?
  • You’ve seen Ansel Adams’ photos of depression era U.S. and want to see a collection of eerie moving images of Russia from the same time
  • To see how ordinary folk lived in Soviet Russia
  • For a bit of calm in your hectic routine
  • It’s only 28 minutes long, and you it’s currently here on YouTube
The Breakdown

Grey clouds move across a grey sky above a barren field. The first image is of a man holding a knapsack with a train and electricity pylons in the background. Snow covers the ground and the immobile train. The electricity pylons show no signs of life where this man lives. The second image is of a man in layers of winter gear. His coat wavers in the wind. The only things in the background are a few small sheds and a couple of snow laden trees.

In the Soviet countryside there are signs of progress but there is no evidence of it serving the people on camera. Instead the stationary trains and electricity pylons depict unfulfilled promises of advancement that ignored the rural people. Just like the affected people in Ansel Adams’ pictures of post-depression America, Loznitsa’s film documents the lack of progress for rural Soviet Russia.

Unlike Adams’ pictures, Loznitsa’s images move in the wind. The historic images are alive, but are also frozen in time. It is as if we have stepped out of a time travel machine to find all the people staring at us, like the birds in Hitchcock’s thriller. But there will be no jump in this documentary, just a collection of eerie images. The people have become part of the landscape and have become weathered along side it. Only the wind moves, carrying time with it.


Loznitsa’s Portrait is almost Zen-like film that documents a way of life frozen in time. Whilst signs of progress appear in the background, it has not touched the people of the Soviet countryside. They are statues of a life that will not be changed. They are statues captured in film. To transport yourself away from your routine, take 30 minutes out to watch Potrait.

This film can be found here on Youtube



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