Jose Film Difficulty Ranking: 3
Jose flew under the radar when it was released in a select few cinemas in the U.S. in early 2020. Perhaps not surprising given that this is a humble independent film about marginalized youth in Guatemala. It’s also characteristically understated. Close up shots and dialogue are equally rare as Li Cheng shoots the film more like an observational documentary than romantic drama, watching Jose move around Guatemala City from a distance.
Jose’s life is similarly humble; he lives with his doting mother in a dingy room and scraps together a meager living directing cars towards a fast food restaurant. Jose’s relationships with mother and lover provide the main drama in the film. His brief flings offer him brief moments of freedom to be himself, in a society where his sexuality isn’t welcome.
From: Guatemala, North America Watch: Trailer, IMDb Next: Dakan, Tremores, Call Me By Your Name
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