Eyes Wide Open Film Difficulty Ranking: 4

Do you know much about the Hassidic Jews of Israel? Do you know how restrictive religion and conservative societies can be? Watch Eyes Wide Open to learn how religion can repress your sexuality and turn you into an outcast. Check out the melodramatic and revealing trailer below if you’re not convinced.

Why Watch Eyes Wide Open?
  • To learn a bit about the Orthodox Jewish religion
  • For a great companion to the Israel-Palestine conflict shown in Omar and Ajami. In this film you will see a different side of Israel.
  • Find out how difficult it can be for religious gay people
  • For the two main actors who manage to so much with so few words
The Breakdown

A man tries to open a sliding door to a shop as the rain pours down on him. He gives up trying to unlock the padlock with his key and grabs a rock to break the lock. After a few throws, the lock falls off. He carefully peels off a poster from the door (a notice of death) and enters the shop.

A tracking shot of the floor shows an overturned chair. The man carefully folds up the poster and puts it to the side. We can deduce who has died from the clues the director leaves in the opening sequence. The way the man carefully folds the poster notice of death means that it must be someone close to the man. And the fact he has a key shows that it is probably a relative. So when the man finds a picture of a young boy and an older man sitting outside the shop he has entered we can deduce it is an old picture of him and his father.

In this film, you need to pay attention to the film’s subtleties. The two main characters do not share much dialogue. Instead they communicate in short, clear sentences. However, pay attention to the way they say things, as this reveals more than what they say. Their short and unemotional conversation reveals their repressed emotions. The strict religious society they are a part of prevents them from expressing their sexuality.

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Eyes Wide Open is beautifully filmed and acted. It will also open your eyes to the difficulty of living as part of a strict religious society as a gay person. You may have witnessed the difficulty of living within a strict religious society in Sand Storm or Asmaa. But unfortunately the plight of gay people in strict religious communities is rarely shown. Eyes Wide Open is one of these rare films that is also beautifully filmed.