Man Bites Dog Film Difficulty Ranking: 2

This may well be the darkest comedy there is. You may not agree at first, but you probably will by the end of the film. And you’ll probably feel like a murderer for watching it! This is one of the ultimate mockumentarys!

Why Watch Man Bites Dog?
  • If you like dark comedies – and when I say dark, I mean it!
  • If you like docu-fiction films (see Battle of Algiers or Che)
  • To learn how much ballast you need to sink a corpse
  • For a murderer’s ode to pigeons – actor Benoit Poelvoorde is crazy
The Breakdown

You’ll get an idea of what kind of a film this is from the opening. It starts with what looks like a normal scene. A man on a train is standing by the window as a woman walks past him along the corridor. However, as the man moves out of the way to let her pass, he rings a rope around her neck, forces her into a cabin and strangles her.

As you’ll quickly realise, this is not a serious film. However, you also won’t be surprised that it was highly controversial when it was released in 1992 (two years before Natural Born Killers).

Straight after the brutal opening scene, we meet Benoit (the murderer) again. This time, he is talking to the camera and telling us how to properly ballast a corpse so it sinks. Remember, ‘you need to ballast a dead body with 3 times it’s body-weight, and 5 times for old people as their bones are even more porous’ (Benoit’s quote, not mine).

The mockumentary style (mock documentary) makes the film even more real. Benoit looks straight at the camera a lot, and therefore straight at us. As a result, we are forced to get close to him and pushed towards identifying with him. The intimacy is stretched even further as we are introduced to his family and friends, who all say what an ‘affectionate and sweet’ person he is. But every time we start to get comfortable with him the director reminds us of his violence. For example, in one scene he starts playing with a few kids in a park making him appear normal, but the director quickly cuts to a montage of him murdering innocent people to remind us that he is a murderer.

Image result for man bites dog


Man Bites Dog is provocative. But it’s also clever. It plays with us throughout the film, encouraging us to get close to a murderer before brutally showing us images that are undeniably wrong and shocking. There’s also a pretty meta commentary on both the moral obligation of the film-makers and the audience. Are the film-makers and us morally wrong for making/watching this film?

Either way, for more, I’d recommend checking out Oliver Stone’s Natural Born Killers (with a young Woody Harrelson leading). Also check out Behind the Mask for a horror movie equivalent.


The Magic Gloves

The Magic Gloves Film Difficulty Ranking: 3

If you’re a fan of deadpan humor, look no further. In The Magic Gloves, Martin Rejtman takes the mundane, everyday meetings and conversations that plague our lives and turns them into something to laugh at. There’s nothing special about any of the characters, they’re all regular people like us passing through life without much happening. They also don’t seem to be in control of what’s going on. Life just happens to them and they’re happy to follow where it leads them. When things do happen and their lives look like their going to turn into a success, their luck is quickly balanced out to humble them. But the film never feels heavy or depressing to watch as it makes fun of the trivialities and coincidences we give importance to in our lives. After all nothing really matters.

From: Argentina, South America
Watch: Trailer, JustWatch
Next: Whisky, Rapado, Barking Dogs Never Bite

Image resultFilm Difficulty Ranking: 1

Hunt for the Wilderpeople is a classic comedy. This film from New Zealand is like a Little Miss Sunshine, an indie gem that you’d be missing out on if you didn’t watch it. Fronted by Sam Neill (Jurassic Park) and newcomer Julian Dennison, who is unforgettable. Do yourself a favour – go have a laugh and watch this movie.

Why Watch Hunt for the Wilderpeople?
  • You like a good laugh
  • To learn how to survive in the ‘bush’
  • For a few homages to Lord of the Rings
  • You want to find out how director Taika Waititi followed up What We Do In The Shadows
  • #rickybaker
The Breakdown

Hunt for the Wilderpeople starts with some beautiful helicopter shots of the New Zealand landscape (think Lord of the Rings). After the landscape shots we follow a police car driving along a trail into the forest. In the back sits a chubby kid in colourful baggy clothing. They stop outside a wooden house in the middle of nowhere and a homely looking older woman gives the young kid a big hug. The social security leave this ‘dangerous’ kid with this woman and leave.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople is a film which is made by the characters. There are some classic one-liners that you’ll love. (I’ll only spoil their impact if I write them here). Also, there’s a lot of characters too silly to find in other movies such as Psycho Sam. Plus, you’ll be singing about Ricky Baker when the credits start rolling.

The director also parodies scenes from other films to add to the comedic value. What is a parody?

A parody is an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.

In this film Waititi recreates a scene from Lord of the Rings in which Frodo and the hobbits hide under a tree trunk as a black rider stops and rides on past them. As per the definition above, Waititi deliberately exaggerates the imitation for comedic effect. I also got a kick out of the little homage to Lord of the Rings. There are plenty of other examples of this in the film so see if you can spot them and the film they are parodying.

Well, I really wish I could have done this film justice but I’m just going to have to settle for the hope that you aren’t put off by this review and go watch it regardless. If you can’t be asked to pay for the cinema, then watch one of Waititi’s other films, What We Do In the Shadows on Netflix instead.


For a great introduction to British humour, you can buy this film for only £2 (click on pic above)

Now for Something Completely Different Film Difficulty Ranking: 2

Are you feeling very silly? Are you up for a silly laugh? Well you have come to the right place. This is Monty Python. These are the people that inspired all the candid camera pranks and comedy sketch shows of today! One of the sketches in this film is bound to crack a smile across your face. Also, the short sketch format means you can dip in and out in your lunch break, before bed, or in the morning while you’re eating breakfast!

Why Watch this Now For Something Completely Different?
  • You haven’t seen anything by the famous Monty Python comedy troupe
  • To see how ‘silly’ British humour really is!
  • So you don’t miss the classic ‘Twit of the Year’ race
  • Hear the funniest joke in the world!
The Breakdown

Now for Something Completely Different starts with a short sketch set in a field. The narrator is showing us how not to be seen. Instead of trying to explain the first sketch, here it is…

As you can see, Monty Python’s humour is pretty different to anything you’d find in America or elsewhere, which may make it pretty hard to translate. Please let me know if you are a massive Monty Python fan from outside the U.K and how it translates!

What else makes a Monty Python film? It’s silliness! The sketches get even more silly as the film progresses until one of the narrators interrupts dressed in an army suit: “Stop it now, this has just got silly! It started out as a nice story about grannies attacking young men, but now it’s just got silly.” Ah the scene is Monty Python in a nutshell.


Anyway enough blabbering on. If you’re up for a laugh and you haven’t got much time, check out some Monty Python sketches on YouTube. If you’re up for a feature length Monthy Python film I’d recommend checking out The Life of Brian or Monty Python and the Holy Grail! Go indulge yourself in the silliness!

Looking for more classic comedy with moments of silliness? Check out the Oscar nominated German film Toni Erdmann!

Life is Beautiful Film Difficulty Ranking: 2

Maybe you’re put off from watching foreign films because they are generally too pretentious. A lot of them have long scenes where nothing much happens. Well this is why I’m recommending you watch Life is Beautiful. It’s got all the makings of a great and familiar Hollywood movie; great story, a lot of emotion, and simple film-making, but you’ll earn kudos for watching a foreign film. So gather your family round the TV and watch this one tonight!

Why Watch Life is Beautiful?
  • For an alternative take on the Holocaust
  • Because this film won the Best Foreign Language Oscar and Best Actor Oscar in 1999
  • To learn how to talk your way into trouble and then your way out of it
  • Stay positive!
The Breakdown

It is obvious from the very first shot, of a misty, poorly lit street that the film is going to go through bad times. (The scene is later matched with the misty, poorly lit concentration camps). However, the immediate switch to a car whizzing through sunny Italy makes us forget the bleary omen.

The omens are hard to come by for the first half an hour or so. If you look closely, you might notice a line of Mussolini posters on a wall in the background. You may also notice that Guido does not repeat asking one man what his political views are when he finds out his kids are called Benito and Adolf. Otherwise, the signs of fascist Italy are hidden until Guido assumes the role of a school inspector, required to school the children about the superior race. As the film progresses, the signs of fascism become more and more apparent, bringing us closer to the prophecy of the opening shot.

What does Guido do to survive within this ever more obvious fascist state? He just talks and talks. He talks to a German doctor, his friend, and of course Dora. Guido even talks himself into trouble and then out of it again. His speech is almost magical, and I believe it creates a world in which the reality of growing fascism does not exist. He talks so much to avoid hearing about the growing anti-Semitism and to shut himself off from his increasingly fascist country. Just like a politician’s speech may hide the truth from people, Guido’s speech allows him to hide the truth from himself.


Life is Beautiful is one of those classic films that everyone should watch. It reminds me of a great Hollywood movie. It is easy to follow and that the shot structure follows pretty intuitively. On top of that it is very emotional, it will have you crying with laughter and sadness (a feature of many Oscar winning films). So go watch this one now!