The Magic Gloves Film Difficulty Ranking: 3
If you’re a fan of deadpan humor, look no further. In The Magic Gloves, Martin Rejtman takes the mundane, everyday meetings and conversations that plague our lives and turns them into something to laugh at. There’s nothing special about any of the characters, they’re all regular people like us passing through life without much happening. They also don’t seem to be in control of what’s going on. Life just happens to them and they’re happy to follow where it leads them. When things do happen and their lives look like their going to turn into a success, their luck is quickly balanced out to humble them. But the film never feels heavy or depressing to watch as it makes fun of the trivialities and coincidences we give importance to in our lives. After all nothing really matters.
From: Argentina, South America Watch: Trailer, JustWatch Next: Whisky, Rapado, Barking Dogs Never Bite
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