Gang Violence in City of God

City of God Film Difficulty Ranking: 2

“If you run, the beast catches you; if you stay, the beast eats you”

Opening the film with a chicken chase, City of God is the most gripping history of drug-wars in the Rio de Janeiro favelas that anyone could hope for.

From: Brazil, South America
Watch: Trailer, Rent on Amazon, Buy on Amazon, Netflix
Next: Elite Squad, El Infierno, Traffic
Continue reading “City of God – Get Involved in the Drug Dealing Gangs of Rio”
Cuestion de Fe Film Difficulty Ranking: 3
  • Dodgy drug boss: check
  • Drunken protagonist: check
  • High stakes gambling: check

If you’re thinking Cuestion de Fe is a B-movie action flick, you’d be wrong. Whilst it does contain all the elements above, Cuestion de Fe is more of a fun, easy going road trip film. If you’re up for joining a drunk artist, a hanger-on, and a hustler in their bright pink truck to travel across Bolivia, this film is for you. You can watch the film here on Vimeo (Spanish only).

Image result for cuestion de fe bolivia

Why Watch Cuestion de Fe?
The Breakdown

Meet Domingo. He’s a craftsman who’s an expert at making statues of Catholic saints. But, he’s also a drunkard who uses his statues to barter for bottles of spirits at the bar next door.

One evening, a big drug boss from the Yungas (a region in the shadow of the Andes perfect from coca growing) pays Domingo’s local bar a visit. He wants Domingo to make him an exact replica of the Virgin featured in a local church. What’s more, he wants Domingo to deliver the statue to his town deep in the Yungas (a few days drive from them) within 12 days! Of course, it sounds impossible. But Domingo is the only person who could do it, and this drug boss is offering 80 million Bolivianos.

80 million Bolivianos is a very big sum of money, so of course Domingo says yes. He immediately gets to work with his friend and recruit a local hustler who offers to drive them to the Yungas. With the logistics sorted, can they make the statue and transport it in time?

Is it better to be a Statue or a Woman?

Like a lot of movies, Cuestion de Fe doesn’t pass the Bechdel test (that a film has to 1. have at least two women, 2. that talk to each other 3. about something other than a man). But, whilst you may not notice it, the subjugation of women in Cuestion de Fe isn’t great. There are only around 5 women in the film, all with minute roles. Here are the most memorable women in this film:

  1. A young woman sitting with 2 guys in the bar who returns Domingo’s stare and gets slapped by one of the guys, who is presumably her boyfriend, as a result.
  2. A prostitute who Domingo pays to keep him company at a pit stop
  3. The woman who Domingo’s hanger on instantly falls in love with and marries

In short, Cuestion de Fe does not show any independent women, they all rely on the male characters. In addition, the men don’t respect them or show them love.

When you contrast how the women are portrayed to the statue of the virgin that Domingo lovingly creates and looks after, I’d say that statues are treated better than the women in this film.

Conclusion and What to Watch Next

Cuestion de Fe truly is a fun movie to watch if you can either find a subtitled version or are quite good at Spanish. You’ll get to travel across Bolivia with a hilarious trio of oddballs, what more can you want!?

For more great road trip films you should check out:

  • Motorcycle Diaries: charting the famous road trip Che Guevara took with his buddy across South America.
  • Into the Wild: follow a recent graduate burn his money before roaming across the United States
  • Y Tu Mama Tambien: a raunchy coming-of-age road trip across Mexico
  • Thelma & Louise: one of Ridley Scott’s greatest films, a road race thriller which passes the Bechdel Test

Impression of a War Film Difficulty Ranking: 4

You probably know who Pablo Escobar is and what he did. You also may know about the war that has raged on in Colombia across the last several decades. While the wars have ceased, the mist of violence still remains. In Impression of a War you’ll see that violence still lingers in Colombia. It is hidden in the landscapes, the music, and the people of Colombia. This film will show you where to look.

Image result for impression of a war

Why Watch Impression of a War?
  • You’ve seen Narcos and possibly Colours of the Mountain and Maria Full of Grace and want to see a more experimental look at the legacy of violence in Colombia
  • It’s a kaleidoscope of images showing how violence has permeated all aspects of life in Colombia
  • To see Colombian soldiers shooting at guerillas one minute, and dancing salsa the next
  • It’s a Silver Leopard winner at the Locarno Film Festival
The Breakdown

The river of Medellin has changed colours many times in it’s contemporary history as textile factories up river dumped excess dye into the river. One time the factory chucked bucket loads of red dye into the river turning the whole river red. This happened at the height of Escobar’s violence in Medellin and as a result, the media turned this blood red river into a symbol of the cities violence.

This anecdote is one example of the violence entrenched in Colombian society. An entrenchment that cannot see a river coloured red by red dye, but a river soaked in blood.

Impression of a War is a work of art that tries to cast a subjective gaze at the legacy of violence in Colombia. Restrepo (the director) captures any visible trace of violence in the daily lives of the people living in Colombia. He shows us images from the battlefields, images from the landscape (as above), and interviews with those affected by the violence.

All these traces, whether deliberate or accidental, constitute the raw material for Impression of a War.


This 30 minute documentary covers a lot. Violence has affected everything from the colour of the taxis to the cities music. Will the new generation be freed from this legacy?