Dieter Surviving

Little Dieter Needs to Fly Film Difficulty Ranking: 1

This documentary from German master Werner Herzog explores the balance between life and death in the epic survival story of Little Dieter.

From: Germany, Europe
Watch: Trailer, Watch on YouTube, Rent on Amazon, Buy on Amazon, Tubi
Next: Rescue Dawn, The Great Escape, The Marriage of Maria Braun
Continue reading “Little Dieter Needs to Fly – Another Epic Survival Story”
The deserted landscape of off-season Benidorm

Androids Dream Film Difficulty Ranking: 4

How would Bladerunner have looked if it had a minutely small budget?

Like Androids Dream.

From: Spain, Europe
Watch: Trailer, Mubi
Next: Bladerunner, High Rise, Logan's Run
Continue reading “Androids Dream – A Low Budget Spanish Bladerunner”
Two Kids Trying to Escape

Rabbit Proof Fence Film Difficulty Ranking: 1

One of my favorite films as a kid, this one follows the journey of three aboriginal kids escaping the internment camp they were placed in to try and return home.

From: Australia, Australasia
Watch: Trailer, Rent on Amazon, Buy on Amazon
Next: Whale Rider, Another Country, Tanna
Continue reading “Rabbit Proof Fence – Institutionalized Racism in Australia”
Gang Violence in City of God

City of God Film Difficulty Ranking: 2

“If you run, the beast catches you; if you stay, the beast eats you”

Opening the film with a chicken chase, City of God is the most gripping history of drug-wars in the Rio de Janeiro favelas that anyone could hope for.

From: Brazil, South America
Watch: Trailer, Rent on Amazon, Buy on Amazon, Netflix
Next: Elite Squad, El Infierno, Traffic
Continue reading “City of God – Get Involved in the Drug Dealing Gangs of Rio”
The uncontrollable kid in Mommy

Mommy Film Difficulty Ranking: 3

Sexy Moms + One Uncontrollable Kid = Mommy, a film with Canadian Karaoke and Violence. Sounds like a game of Cards Against Humanity right!? A smart-phone like aspect ratio takes headlines in this one in a beautifully shot film about a single mother trying to raise her unpredictably violent son.

From: Canada, North America
Watch: Trailer, Rent on Amazon, Buy on Amazon
Next: We Need to Talk About Kevin, Tangerine, Room
Continue reading “Mommy – Sexy Moms and One Uncontrollable Teenager”