For a great introduction to British humour, you can buy this film for only £2 (click on pic above)

Now for Something Completely Different Film Difficulty Ranking: 2

Are you feeling very silly? Are you up for a silly laugh? Well you have come to the right place. This is Monty Python. These are the people that inspired all the candid camera pranks and comedy sketch shows of today! One of the sketches in this film is bound to crack a smile across your face. Also, the short sketch format means you can dip in and out in your lunch break, before bed, or in the morning while you’re eating breakfast!

Why Watch this Now For Something Completely Different?
  • You haven’t seen anything by the famous Monty Python comedy troupe
  • To see how ‘silly’ British humour really is!
  • So you don’t miss the classic ‘Twit of the Year’ race
  • Hear the funniest joke in the world!
The Breakdown

Now for Something Completely Different starts with a short sketch set in a field. The narrator is showing us how not to be seen. Instead of trying to explain the first sketch, here it is…

As you can see, Monty Python’s humour is pretty different to anything you’d find in America or elsewhere, which may make it pretty hard to translate. Please let me know if you are a massive Monty Python fan from outside the U.K and how it translates!

What else makes a Monty Python film? It’s silliness! The sketches get even more silly as the film progresses until one of the narrators interrupts dressed in an army suit: “Stop it now, this has just got silly! It started out as a nice story about grannies attacking young men, but now it’s just got silly.” Ah the scene is Monty Python in a nutshell.


Anyway enough blabbering on. If you’re up for a laugh and you haven’t got much time, check out some Monty Python sketches on YouTube. If you’re up for a feature length Monthy Python film I’d recommend checking out The Life of Brian or Monty Python and the Holy Grail! Go indulge yourself in the silliness!

Looking for more classic comedy with moments of silliness? Check out the Oscar nominated German film Toni Erdmann!

Castro Film Difficulty Ranking: 3

Here’s a truly original action film. You’ll get to see some truly quirky (and Argentinian?) humour in this fast paced action comedy that you won’t see anywhere else. But even if you don’t understand why this trio is running all over town in search of one guy you can appreciate the cinematography (the editing and camera movement make it tick). Tune in for some Latin American fun!

Why Watch Castro?
  • You like your action films quirky and fast
  • You loved Naked Gun and Airplane! and want to see Argentina’s equivalent
  • For more films from Argentina’s El Pampero films – check out Extraordinary Stories for more great contemporary Argentine film
  • Watch out for the great score and cinematography

There’s a lot of running in the introduction to Castro. An awkward trio are chasing another guy across busy roads and city streets to a train station. Unfortunately for the trio, the guy they’re chasing disappears onto a train. At this point you’re probably thinking what the hell is going on!

And you’d be right to question. This isn’t your typical action movie. The characters are hilariously strange (almost on a Monty Python level). One of the spies hobbles around on crutches after injuring his leg and the guy they’re chasing always sleeps in closets. Argentine humour I guess?

Even if you’re not sold on the quirky humour, you can still appreciate the great editing. The fast paced feel comes directly from the editing. The camera moves along with runners and has a lot of moving close-ups which both reminded me (and might remind you) or the Oscar winning Birdman.


So if you love simple, quirky action films you’ll love Castro. It kind of reminded me of a mix between Robert Rodriguez’ El Mariachi and Monty Python. It’d fun, fast, and well made (look out for the cinematography).

For more Argentine films check out: